
20 Jul 2022

Reproductive Coercion

2022-07-20T09:16:12-04:00July 20, 2022|Blog, News|

Reproductive Coercion is a form of abuse that we typically see in heterosexual relationships (though it can occur in LGBTQIA+ relationships, it is rare). This type of abuse happens when the male partner attempts to control their partner’s ability to make decisions when it comes [...]

31 Jan 2022

VIP Badass Woman Nomination

2022-03-09T15:33:14-05:00January 31, 2022|Blog|

Just like many women in history, we all know a woman who makes a difference but flies under the radar. You may describe them as selfless or a hidden gem. Let's make sure they don't stay hidden and nominate your favorite badass to have them [...]

30 Sep 2021

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

2021-10-05T14:49:09-04:00September 30, 2021|Blog|

Domestic Violence Awareness Month began in the 1980s. DVAM was born from the Day of Unity, observed by the National Coalition against Domestic Violence, in October of 1981.  This day connected domestic violence advocates from across the nation. What began as one day, evolved into [...]

27 Sep 2021

Adopt-A-Family Program is Back

2021-10-05T14:54:06-04:00September 27, 2021|Blog|

Here at Victims' Intervention Program we are pleased to once again offer the Adopt-A-Family program to lighten the burden for our clients. If you have participated in this project previously, we thank you on behalf of the many families that have benefitted from your warmth [...]

25 Feb 2021

VIP Badass Woman Nomination

2021-09-30T11:45:12-04:00February 25, 2021|Blog|

Just like many women in history, we all know a woman who makes a difference but flies under the radar. You may describe them as selfless or a hidden gem. Let's make sure they don't stay hidden and nominate your favorite badass to have them [...]

13 Jan 2021

Stalking Awareness Month

2021-01-13T15:34:34-05:00January 13, 2021|Blog|

For most of us, when we hear the word stalker, our minds form an image of a stranger lurking in the shadows. However, strangers only make up about 15% of stalkers! The more common culprit is the someone we least expect. More than half of [...]

01 Jun 2017

Victims’ Intervention Program—not only for victims and survivors

2020-04-13T04:16:30-04:00June 1, 2017|Blog|

The name Victims’ Intervention Program can be misleading. The name implies that we only provide services to victims. In actuality, we provide services to anyone who is affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other serious crimes (excluding the perpetrators and offenders). For [...]

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