News & Blog
VIP Continues Services During Pandemic
Tri-County Independent Article By David Mazzenga WAYNE/PIKE COUNTY— With April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), it is not only a pertinent time to remind readers of the ever present threat victims face daily, [...]
Victims’ Intervention Program—not only for victims and survivors
The name Victims’ Intervention Program can be misleading. The name implies that we only provide services to victims. In actuality, we provide services to anyone who is affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking [...]
Make a Difference at Victims’ Intervention Program
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others? Do you want to make a difference in your community? Do you want to make new friends? Do you want to gain new [...]
What is Human Trafficking and where does it happen?
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Although January is ending, we will continue to talk about human trafficking as it very sadly is happening not only in the United States, not only in Pennsylvania but [...]
January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. While we would all agree human trafficking happens in other countries, would we agree it happens in the United States of America? Would we agree that [...]